Climate Conversations and Education

Climate Cafe

On Wednesday Sept 11 from 7 -8:30 PM EST my colleague Aaron and I will facilitate an online Climate Cafe. A Climate Cafe is an informal, open, respectful, confidential space to share emotional responses and reactions related to the climate crisis. It will be a small group and everyone will have a chance to share what they are feeling in the moment about the climate crisis. We’ll then have a chance to respond to each other.

It is a “brave space” for exploring thoughts, feelings, and experiences rather than what we are DOING about the climate crisis. There are lots of conversations about the actions we can take, but there are few places where we can be with each other and acknowledge our feelings. Being able to feel the anxiety, dread, sadness, anger, etc with others strengthens our capacity to have these emotions and not become completely overwhelmed by them. Overwhelm can lead us to inaction, shut-down, and avoidance at a time when it’s imperative that we work to find our strengths, to face this enormous crisis together with active hope and resilience.

So please join us if you would like and please share with anyone who you think might be interested.
See Eventbrite to learn more and sign up.
I plan to offer more Climate Cafes in the near future.
In the meantime, check out other online climate cafes with the Climate Psychology Alliance in UK.

Climate Fresk

Climate Fresk is a French-based NGO, with the aim to make climate science more accessible using graphs and data from the UN’s climate scientists, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The Climate Fresk workshop turns climate science into a game. You will work as a team to find the cause & effect relationships between 42 cards. Together you will build a collage explaining climate change. The workshop includes conversations about the drivers of climate change, the impacts, and solutions. To learn more about Climate Fresk the organization and the workshop, check out their website. You can attend Climate Fresks online or in-person.

My colleague Allison Whitaker and I will host our next Climate Fesk on September 21st, 2024 in Greensboro. Please email for more details.


Stay in Touch

If you are interested in attending a Climate Fresk workshop or a Climate Cafe, please use the form below to receive updates for future offerings.